Don Reese, MD ’77
Don Reese is excited to serve on the School of Medicine Alumni Board. While living through a period of unprecedented challenge, at the School of Medicine (SOM ) he believes we are experiencing the unique situation of unprecedented opportunity. The future is indeed bright with the construction of the new MEDX medical school building which will provide remarkable physical facilities for education and research. The combination of outstanding leadership, intellectual capital, and world class research infrastructure along with the vibrant growth in the state of Utah will assure ongoing success at the SOM.
As a product of public, college undergraduate, and medical school education followed by decades of practicing dermatology all within the state of Utah Dr. Reese has developed a deep appreciation for the important roll the SOM plays in the lives of the citizens of this state and far beyond. The SOM leads the way in educating future providers of unparalleled healthcare, advancing medical science innovation, and contributing immensely to our economy. The Alumni Board serves a meaningful purpose in its overall mission and Dr. Reese is looking forward to being a part of it!